Wewpet the desire to share news, useful information for pet owners, as well as those who want to own pets, how to best care for their pets.

For pet owners, their health is always a top priority. bizarre phenomena that occur in pets always signal the difficulty of a pet's difficulty, so you need to be aware of this. Below Vietpet would like to explain this issue of a reader who sent us a questionhttps://wewpet.com. Could the dog food change cause a small amount of blood to appear in dog feces and diarrhea? Advice Blood in dog feces and diarrhea is an issue, and your question about how to change your diet can be the best. The most likely cause of stool and bloody diarrhea is parasites, such as nematodes and hookworms - especially in puppies. A large number of dogs should be dewormed every 2 to 3 weeks starting at 4 weeks of age, until they are old enough to go on 1 monthly dewormer.

In any dog, changes in the diet can cause the bacteria populations that normally live in the gut to change, resulting in an imbalanced GI system. Sometimes, a bacteria called Clostridium can overgrow the intestine and secrete a toxin that causes bleeding of the lining of the large intestine. Fortunately, an overgrowth of Clostridium can be seen on a micro review of a fertilizer . Treatment is usually successful with appropriate antibiotics. Ideally, you will avoid how often you change your dog's diet. Although it may seem boring to you and me, most dogs are a bit happy to eat plus one every day. After changing your diet, wait a few days to see if the dog's poop is in possession normally. If your dog still has cholera, a small amount of plain yogurt can help regenerate the intestines carrying healthy bacteria.